Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Waking to a New Day

                The year is 1936. . . Morning has just dawned on the Earl Magers farm, where the manager and his family are awakening to the promise of a sunny day. . .Up and down the row of red farmhouses on either side of the dirt road, the same scene is taking place. . .Radios are turned on. . . The sounds of country gospel music and local news fill the air. . .The smell of bacon frying and bread baking combine with the sweet smell of the white cotton blossoms, thick in every field as far as the eye can see.

            The two red barns look as if they, too, are yawning and stretching, making ready for the day ahead. . . The cows will soon be milked; the mules will be harnessed for the day’s tasks. . . Chickens roam the barnyard, while the old rooster looks on from his perch on the fence. . .A white picket fence encompasses the manager’s house and garden in an attempt to keep out any unwanted creatures. . .The house itself is painted white, with a long open front porch and white wood awnings over every window. . .The garden is overabundant with what seems to be every vegetable known to mankind. . .The ground is so rich and fertile that it is said one could plant a boomstick and watch it grow. For sure, the weeds grow just as fast as the vegetables. . .Soon the lady of the house will be seen in her broad straw hat, gathering the produce and pulling those weeds. . . The children will be off to school, and her husband will begin his day giving instructions to the twenty or so farmhands. . . Mules to harness--Weeds to chop--Pigs and cattle to feed--Fences to repair. . .All must be made ready--for within six weeks, the cotton will be ready to pick and all else will come to a standstill. 
Cotton is King on this farm. . . .and our world revolves around it. . . .


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